The root of your assumptions: How do these belief structures inform and constrain your thinking?

We all have a set of beliefs that we hold to be true. These beliefs inform our actions and shape our worldview. But where do these belief structures come from? And how can we change them if they’re constraining us? In this post, we’ll explore the origins of our assumptions and how they can limit us.
Source of Beliefs:
Beliefs are developed by experiences, inferences, and deductions. Individual core beliefs are formed when we are children. Because we cannot discern truth and falsehood growing up, we often accept what we are told as truth. We are also greatly influenced by what we experience.
There’s a lot that goes into our decision-making process — often, we need to be made aware of all the factors at play. But one thing that can have a significant impact is our assumptions. Our beliefs about ourselves, others, and the world can shape how we see situations and make choices. So it’s worth looking at the root of your assumptions to see how they might influence your decisions.
Dismantle these Patterns:
Once you become aware of these belief structures, you can question and test them to see if they still hold. Doing so opens you up to new possibilities and a more flexible way of thinking. With a little effort, we can all work towards freeing ourselves from the constraints of our outdated thinking patterns that create biases in thinking.
It is time to challenge our deeply-rooted assumptions and question the structures that inform our thinking. We need to be more aware of our biases and work diligently to dismantle them. Only then can we hope to make unbiased decisions that will benefit not just ourselves but also the people and the world around us. Are you up for this challenging but essential journey? Let’s get started in exploring our understanding of one of the most fundamental processes that enable humans to be human — the process of believing. What will be your first step in this exploration?